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Expectations of 

To lead students to a saving knowledge of Christ 

Matthew 16:26

To cultivate a desire in students to know and do the will of God

Psalms 16:8; Matthew 26:39

To teach students to filter everything based on the light of God’s Word

I Corinthians 2:15

To train students who positively influence society, by the Holy Spirit, for God’s glory

Acts 17:6

To teach students to relate with non-Christians and with Christians who hold differing views

Acts 2:47;

Romans 14:19-20;

I Peter 3:15

​To train leaders who will be faithful servants of God

I Corinthians 4:2

To teach students dependency upon God

John 15:5​

To teach students to exhibit the “fruit of the Spirit” in their lives

Galatians 5:22-23

To help students accept themselves as unique individuals created in the image of God

Psalms 139:14

To reveal the Lord to students through Christ-centered curricula and the lives of Christ-honoring teachers

Philippians 3:17

To provide the opportunity and create a culture that allows each student to develop spiritually, mentally, physically, and socially to the highest degree of his God-given capability

Luke 2:52

To teach students self-discipline through respecting God and other authorities

Romans 13:1; Hebrews 13:17;

& Psalms 40:8​

To encourage students and their parents to become rightly related to the ministry of a Bible believing church

Hebrews 10:25; Psalms 122:1

To provide students with a quality Christian education so they are prepared for the future God has planned for them

Jeremiah 29:11​


Expected Student Outcomes

Expected Student Outcomes “Portrait of a Graduate”

Our mission at Wesley Christian Academy (WCA) is to provide a Christ centered, loving, nurturing, and safe environment where preschoolers and elementary students have the opportunity to develop cognitively, emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually.


With our mission as the foundation of everything we do, the following Expected Student Outcomes (ESO) were established to direct all WCA programming. These ESO help to provide a portrait of what we strive to see developed in our graduates. We celebrate the unique journey of each student and it is our heartfelt desire to partner with them in order that they may be able to experience each of these ESO.

A Wesley Christian Academy graduate will… COGNITIVELY:

  • Display good study habits and research skills.

  • Obtain skills to investigate, solve problems, and make wise decisions.

  • Language Arts – Demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

  • Math – Demonstrate computational skills needed for life in the 21st century.

  • Social Studies – Demonstrate understanding of history, geography, and social sciences.

  • Science – Demonstrate understanding of the tenants of Creationism while obtaining an appreciation for the physical and biological sciences, the scientific method, and engineering process.

  • Bible – Demonstrate an understanding of the basic content involved in biblical literacy and develop skills for a lifetime of personal Bible study.

  • Enrichment Specials – Develop intellectually by exploring enrichment classes including Art, Music, Technology, Spanish, and Physical Education.



  • Treat others with love, respect, integrity, and godliness.

  • Exhibit humble confidence as a child of God.

  • Demonstrate a servant’s heart.

  • Resolve conflict using biblical principles.

  • Solve problems with perseverance towards a complicated task.

  • Set goals in relation to strengths and weaknesses.

  • Exhibit self-control with ownership and accountability for behavior.

  • Seek wise counsel when needed.

  • Find contentment regardless of circumstances.




  • Treat his/her body as a temple of God.

  • Honor God according to the biblical standard of appropriate choices, grooming, attire, rest, care, hygiene, and nourishment.

  • Maintain a lifestyle of purity regarding anything that could be harmful to one’s mind, body, or spirit.

  • Demonstrate a basic knowledge of sports.

  • Develop healthy habits regarding physical fitness.

  • Display balance, gross motor skills, and spatial awareness.



  • Know Jesus Christ personally as their Lord and Savior.

  • Be connected to a family of faith and know that they are loved by God and the church.

  • Honor and respect the Bible as God’s Word and display a desire to grow through personal Bible study.

  • Apply biblical principles to daily life.

  • Commit to memorizing Scripture.

  • Have a knowledge of the books and storyline of the Bible.

  • Understand they are uniquely created in God’s image with specific gifts to be shared with the world.

  • Demonstrate a heart of worship.

  • Practice discipleship by sharing the Gospel.

  • Exemplify an authentic prayer life.

  • Maintain a biblical worldview across all aspects of life.



“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6



Wesley Christian Academy is a ministry of Living Hope Church of Clermont.  We believe that all children are a unique creation of God, who can make choices, believe in themselves, share with others, and respect the world around them.

Downtown Clermont Campus

832 7th Street Clermont FL 34711


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©2023 by Wesley Christian Academy

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